The Hague photographer

In search of everyday magic

More than anything, I am intrigued by everyday magic: a warm pastel sky at sunrise, a spontaneous encounter with a fox, the sudden abundance of wild flowers each spring. There’s no shortage of such wonders and few things I enjoy more than to marvel and capture their occurence.

My photography has been described as serene, dreamy, warm and emotional. I am thankful to know that my fascination for the quiet, the softness and that magical morning light resonates so aptly with others.

About me

Photography is the single constant in my ever evolving interests and pursues. I secretly dream am working towards one day making a living from my photography. I am interested is in the magic of everyday things, in the broadest sense: from nearby nature at sunrise to the a city sunset and the beautiful people I meet on my walks around The Hague.

Photography aside, I’m a lover of loud music and quiet outdoors. I live in The Hague, the Netherlands with my family.

The Hague Photowalks

For a few years now I’ve been inviting fellow photographers to walk along on my frequent photowalks. Slowly but surely this has grown into an actual community of fellow photography enthusiasts in and around The Hague. With 75+ members, we organize (free) photowalks and outings both in nature and the city. You can find The Hague Photowalks on instagram.


There’s a few other place where I share my photography and things related to it. I regularely publish photos and stories on Instagram and videos on photography and gear on Youtube.

If you’d like to support my work as a photographer and storyteller, you can subscribe to my Patreon page.